Monday, November 1, 2010

Purest at heart... :)

Came across this beautiful article on the Teach For India Blog. Must read.

Unravelling the Mystery of God in a 2nd grade classroom

This testifies how pure kids are at their heart, unadulterated by the adult opinions of the world. A couple more such excerpts I completely loved:

"Kids are wonderfully honest. Kids are also fantastic actors. Kids are transparent. Kids also hide. But, the beauty is, for every kid who is an actor, there are many others who’d want to impress the Teacher by telling the truth." :Part of a post on the TFI blog

"All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."
- Pablo Picasso


  1. I appreciate you for sharing the article, very nice. The last quote by Picasso would also make relevance if we replace the "artist" by "innocent" or "honest" or "transparent" :)

  2. there is another quote that might relate vaguely to the anecdote shared in the article:

    Masjid dha dey, mandir dha dey, dha dey jo kuch dhaynda
    Par kisey da dil na dhawin, rab dilaan wich raynda
